Why are we asking you to look at the new draft Council Plan?

    Our current Strategic Community Plan is now four years old and due for review. While our current plan takes us forward to 2024 we must look further ahead.  Planning now for the things we will need beyond 2031 is the responsible and right thing to do.

    By talking and sharing ideas with each other we can build a framework than can enable our community to live, grow and prosper in a place we can all be proud of.

    Why is the Strategic Community Plan and the Corporate Business Plan being amalgamated?

    Due to Local Government Act 1996 reforms the Minister Local Government is expected to release a new framework for Integrated Planning and Reporting. This framework will include a Council Plan in replace of a separate Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan. 

    This amalgamation ensures that the Council keeps the community at the forefront of their minds when making planning decisions.

    How long will we have to complete the survey?

    The survey is open from 19 February - 15 March 2024.

    How can I have my say?

    Completing the Catalyse MARKYT Community Scorecard is the best way to contribute your thoughts and priorities. 

    Once the Community Scorecard closes and data can be reviewed, there will be an opportunity for further community feedback in the form of two community workshops. These will be held on Wed 17 July 2024 6-8pm or Thur 18 July 2024 9-11am. 

    Who is Catalyse?

    Catalyse is a WA based company that offers strategic planning and research services for the government and corporate sectors. 

    A number of local governments have completed Council Plans through the Catalyse framework. Using the framework will allow the City of Busselton to benchmark corporate strategy, performance and community priorities against other relevant local governments. 

    How can I complete the Community Scorecard?

    The Community Scorecard can be completed on the Catalyse website by clicking the link below: 


    What accessibility measures are in place to complete the survey?

    We are committed to ensuring that our survey is accessible to everyone. If you have any specific accessibility requirements or need support to complete the survey please contact the City’s Community Development Officer, Jessica.Watts@busselton.wa.gov.au(External link) or (08) 9781 0496.